
Research Assistant, Robotic Actuators and Dynamics Lab, ASU (June 2024-December 2024)

Soft robotics research work. Designed and fabricated a soft robotic manipulator, shape morphing ROV frame, and 5 DOF cable driven arm.

Soft Compliant Hand

Three finger, underactuated, 7 Degree of Freedom (DOF) soft robotic hand. Printed as one piece on a 3D printer and actuated with air via embedded chambers.

Shape Morphing ROV Frame

ROV frame that was able to change its shape to fit through obstacles

5 DOF Cable Driven Arm

A fully 3D printed 5 Degree of Freedom robotic arm with Bowden Tubes to transmit torque. 450mm max reach, 1kg max payload, and 400g effective mass.

Initial functional test of the hand.

Functional test of the hand picking up a large object.

Functional test of the hand picking up a small object.

Initial test of the ROV showcasing its capabilities.

Initial functional test of the arm.

Manipulation test of the arm combined with the pneumatic hand.